The Victorian government is investing $300,000 in the Hand Brake Turn (External link) initiative, to help at-risk young people in Melbourne’s Northwest to gain education and employment opportunities in the motor vehicle industry.

The funding was awarded to Concern Australia (External link), which has successfully delivered the program to over 10,000 participants for over twenty-five years.

The project aims to help reduce vehicle-related crime in the state by giving young people aged 15-25 years with an interest in cars a positive way to channel their passion. 

The initiative is designed to support disadvantaged young people who are:

  • marginalised
  • disengaged from education, or 
  • in contact with police or the justice system.

The five-week course combines mentoring, with hands-on training in a step-by-step pathway to employment within the automotive trade. It aims to instill confidence and develop skills that are in demand by the industry. 

This investment is part of a broader $1.2 million package focused on addressing motor vehicle-related crime, including funding for Neighbourhood Watch and Crime Stoppers Victoria to deliver awareness campaigns to support the public taking steps to avoid being a victim of vehicle crime.