A joined-up approach to support people and communities in need
Collaboration across government, key organisations and with communities is the best way to provide individuals with the right supports to address the risk factors for offending and strengthen social recovery outcomes.
Working with the community across three action areas
The Strategy will support effective, collaborative efforts to improve outcomes for individuals and communities in Victoria across three interconnected action areas.
Grants for small multicultural and Aboriginal clubs and organisations to support projects that use cultural connection, sport, arts, music or other creative activities to engage young people.
Creating Safer Places supports urban design projects that apply an inclusive environmental design approach to deter crime, increase safety and activate public places.
Grants of between $25,000 and $300,000 for councils, not for profit community organisations and other specialist organisations for partnership projects that deliver and evaluate innovative community safety and crime prevention initiatives.
Outcomes of crime prevention projects funded under Creating Safer Places, Crime Prevention Innovation Fund and the Empowering Communities partnerships.
Grants for small multicultural and Aboriginal clubs and organisations to support projects that use cultural connection, sport, arts, music or other creative activities to engage young people.
Creating Safer Places supports urban design projects that apply an inclusive environmental design approach to deter crime, increase safety and activate public places.
Grants of between $25,000 and $300,000 for councils, not for profit community organisations and other specialist organisations for partnership projects that deliver and evaluate innovative community safety and crime prevention initiatives.
Outcomes of crime prevention projects funded under Creating Safer Places, Crime Prevention Innovation Fund and the Empowering Communities partnerships.